例句: 1. Having lost all hope, I quit. 2.Being so tired, I quit.
還原例句: 1. Because I have lost all hope, I quit. 2.Because I was so tired, I quit.
最簡單的最難。 - 無名氏
請注意: Participle Clauses/phrases 之所以無所不在 => 除了上述because的省略之外,還有很多兄弟姊妹款式齁! 請保持樂觀心情,繼續看下去。
3. After finishing the work, I quit.
還原:After I finished the work, I quit.
*After 有時候也會省略(到底有多省口水跟墨水XD):Finishing the work, I quit.
(省略的原則是:畢竟有沒有特別講 after 其實都猜得出來有時間前後的意思,就豪氣省了)
4. While making dinner, she cut her finger.
或是 She cut her finger while making dinner.
還原:While she was making dinner, she cut her finger.
*Reduced Relative Clauses*
關係子句的「省略」句也一樣變成participle 款式,就一起複習整理起來!
4. The little girl injured in the car accident was taken to hospital.
還原:The little girl who was injured in the car accident was taken to hospital.
5. This necklace, made in 11th century, is very fragile.
還原:This necklace, which was made in 11th century, is very fragile.
6. My friend, discouraged by a toxic culture at work, quit his job.
還原:My friend who was discouraged by a toxic culture at work quit his job.
*補充:你也會常常看到這樣的順序排列: Made in 11th century, this necklace is very fragile. Discouraged by a toxic culture at work, my friend quit his job. 但是這一個由關係子句省略的款式我們通常不會把 participle phrase 放在句尾,因為這樣會離「要修飾的那個名詞 this necklace, my friend 太遙遠」,語意比較不鮮明,也比較容易誤會文意。
要用 participle clause 的方式省口水省墨水讓文字更精簡的「首要原則」
錯誤示範:Coming out of the market, the apples fell on the pavement.
After the apples came out of the market, they fell on the pavement.
*補充:這裡的“Coming out of the market”被稱作一個 dangling modifier (被斷主詞頭之無家可歸的修飾語)