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要說好英文一定不能漏掉 “discourse markers” (標示語/填補詞)

最常聽到的像是 “well” “you know” 都是 discourse markers,但是這些字不是讓你隨便拿來稱時間避免冷場尷尬的,他們整個大家族各司其職,你若能使用的貼切,你的英文口說會更加通順道地,而如果你是要考雅思托福或劍橋英檢的 speaking,discourse markers 的使用絕對是評分關鍵之一


  1. To make a statement less harsh (讓你的陳述比較委婉一點) 👉Um 痾, Well 那個, I guess 我是想說齁 ✮“Um, you… you have something in your teeth.” ✮ “Well, what you’re saying is understandable, but um, we’re on a tight budget, so I guess we probably just go to IKEA ”

  2. To make your statement stronger (讓你的陳述比較強烈一點) 👉Actually 其實/說實話我是覺得, Literally 真的就是那樣/沒在跟你開玩笑, Totally/Absolutely 超爆正確, Seriously 跟你講真的, Believe me 真的/相信我 原本句子:I think Christmas shopping is pretty stressful. 如果加入 discourse markers 再放進對話情境會有不同的語意: Sam: 聖誕節又到了,我最期待聖誕節去大買特買了!耶! Jane: “Actually, I think Christmas shopping is pretty stressful.”(加了一個 “Actually” 就代表 Jane 想傳達跟 Sam 不一樣的觀點)

  3. To emphasize/clarify (讓你釐清解釋自己所說的) 👉I mean 我的意思是說齁 I mean…she is nice and probably is the most friendly girl in our class, but I'm just too shy to talk to her…

  4. To stall 👉Um/er/uh 嗯痾啊那個, well 那個喔, you see 就是說 ✮ 例如你說了謊就快要被戳破,對方逼問:「How could you lie to me?」 這時候你得拖延一下時間說:“Um/er/uh...well, you see.. I think…I don't remember?”

  5. To include people without ending your sentence 👉You know? 有時候說話過程,你需要提醒對方「嘿,別神遊歐,我正講到我的重點了呢,我期待你的專注投入跟一點肢體語言的反饋哩! ✮It is so embarrassing, you know? 🔔▪這個 “you know” 的功能在這邊是「種非常迅速的眼神心靈交流的moment,並非你的話語真的要結束了,所以對方會也許點點頭,或是說簡短的字代表認同 (Yeah, I know what you meant)」,這時候得到回饋跟鼓舞的你就可以直接繼續滔滔下去啦!反之,也許當下對方想給你不同的反饋,他的肢體語言會讓你知道,你可能要先聽一下對方說什麼,換言之,這個 you know 不單單只是你原本以為用來「撐場面」甚至是「令人覺得 annoying 的口頭禪」而已啊。 👉You know what I mean? 當作「填充詞」來使用的時候,這句話的用意跟上述的 you know 很相似,主要是為了確認對方有沒有「跟上」,對方通常也會很快地給予眼神或是肢體動作如點頭微笑等等做為反饋,也不需要真正的回答。 👉You know what? Guess what? 跟中文的「你知道嗎?...」是一樣的,當我們這樣問,當然不是要對方猜,對方當然也知道這是怎麼一回事,頂多簡短回答你「什麼?」,然後你其實自然就接著往下說,所以這樣的語句是用來鋪陳氣氛,或是強調後面所說內容的語氣。

  6. To start a sentence 👉Right/Okay/so ✮So, should we go?

🔥很容易不小心被過度使用的discourse markers🔥

♦️like ✮“You wouldn’t believe it, last night, Jane was like totally crazy and she was like so angry at us and it was like she was gonna smash everything. And it was like midnight and we were like so embarrassed cause I think our neighbors could like hear her” 這就跟說中文的時候有人講話會每一句話都要來一個「然後就」「然後那個」一樣,反而聽起來很累贅。

♦️something like that

有些台灣學生剛開時練習英文口說的時候,莫名的都會在每一兩句話的結尾都加上 “something like that”,會濫用的原因通常是因為自己不太習慣全英文聊天,每當自己的話語說畢,都突然間覺得有點不自然,覺得好像應該來個小小的 “ending”,反而養成了冗詞贅語的習慣。

下課啦!YEAH! XD

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